Recent years have been difficult for humankind which faced a pandemic that was not
foreseen as many human losses, immense pressure on the health care systems, and brought a
lot of challenges for governments. As expected, the world economy has also been impacted in
many ways, and more recently, the EU economy is also facing the consequences of
the Eastern Europe military conflict. It seems that the equilibrium of forces was seriously
shaken, new developments will emerge, and an energy crisis strikes harder than one
image a few decades ago.
Socio-economic research is expected to provide new insights into the current situation
and new perspectives on sustainable business developments to support economies in the
difficult times they pass through.
So, we invite you to discover interesting topics from various economic areas: banking,
investments, tourism, public services, the impact of climatic changes in different regions, and

Published: 2022-06-30

Full Issue
