• REASER review is using OJS/PKP starting with 2019 Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research
    Vol 17 No 1 (2019)

    Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research – Volume 17 / issue 1 / 2019 is focusing on investigating the relationship between business, employee’s empowerment, and managerial innovation altogether to enhance organization' performances. Also, auditing and accounting play a crucial role in business assessment argue some authors and from Jordan case studies are provided to readers.  Following an already traditional line opened by REASER journal, the papers published in this issue are authored by researchers from various countries, uniting their voices to put up points of common concern. An interesting research paper is paving the way for debating on the management of ethnocultural diversity in Africa.

    Enjoy your reading!

    REASER Editorial Board

  • Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research
    Vol 18 No 2 (2019)

    Welcome to a new exciting issue of our scientific journal Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research – Volume 18 / issue 2 / 2019. This is a Special Issue on the topic of "Social and Solidarity Economy and Local Sustainable Development." The readers will find in this issue high-quality research works of academics and researchers members of CIRIEC (International Centre of Research and Information on the Public, Social and Cooperative Economy) network, in the topic above.

    The articles cover Social and Solidarity Economy realities and challenges from Western and Central Europe (France, Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Italy, Poland), from Eastern Europe (Romania), from Turkey, Japan, and Morocco, but including also interesting case studies from India, Thailand, and Indonesia. 

    Enjoy your reading!

    REASER Editorial Board

  • Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research
    Vol 19 No 1 (2020)

    The current issue presents the research results of authors coming from Middle –East, Africa, and the USA  covering topics such as the impact of intellectual capital on competitive advantage, the role of the audit committee and the organization’s sustainability, the relationship between using greening technology information tools and organization’s general performance, etc. Also, our readers will discover new perspectives on ethnic diversity management and poverty in developing countries, and will identify the determinants of ethical behavior in social networks such as Facebook, revealed through an interesting case study from Cameroon. 

    The diversity of topics of the current issue maybe will make you curious to explore new fields of research and will enhance your confidence in developing an interdisciplinary approach of your current research interests.

  • Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research
    Vol 20 No 2 (2020)

    Welcome to an exciting new issue of our scientific journal Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research – Volume 20 / issue 2 / 2020!

    This issue provides a venue for high-quality research works of academics and researchers from Greece, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and Romania. They approached various interest subjects for the transformative period we live in due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, such as health issues (the management of change in private sector healthcare organizations and adults' obesity), social financing as a viable alternative in these times of crisis, the imperative of  advancing digitalization, digital literacy skills and the technology-enhanced adaptive and hybrid education, and research-development and innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises.

    Also, this issue includes a book review (Preoteasa A. M., Multiple facets of precarious work in Romania, Bucharest: Pro Universitaria Publishing House, 2018), which has received “Henri H. Stahl” Award, Section Sociology, The Awards of Romanian Academy 2018.

    Enjoy your reading!

  • Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research
    Vol 21 No 1 (2021)

    This issue gathers the research results of authors coming from European Union, Central Asia, Middle East, Africa, and Russia which will challenge you, as readers, to look from a different perspective on topics such as foreign trade agreements, industrial opportunities, youth unemployment and economic consequences of happiness at the societal level.

    The subjects’ diversity, included in the current issue, will drive your curiosity to explore new horizons and will boost your confidence in developing new research interests having these articles as a starting point.

  • REASER 22 Cover Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research
    Vol 22 No 2 (2021)

    Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research – Volume 22 / issue 2 / 2021 provides a venue for high-quality research works of academics and researchers worldwide - the United Kingdom, Ukraine, India, Russian Federation, Vietnam, Indonesia, and the Republic of Korea.

    The authors approached various interesting topics for the transformative period we live in, such as Covid-19 pandemics and its implications, dimensions of sustainability, financial inclusion, Fintech, and crowdfunding, marketing dynamics, economic security, or challenging concepts such as fine moving value in behavioral anomalies.

    Enjoy your reading!  

  • Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research
    Vol 23 No 1 (2022)

    Recent years have been difficult for humankind which faced a pandemic that was not
    foreseen as many human losses, immense pressure on the health care systems, and brought a
    lot of challenges for governments. As expected, the world economy has also been impacted in
    many ways, and more recently, the EU economy is also facing the consequences of
    the Eastern Europe military conflict. It seems that the equilibrium of forces was seriously
    shaken, new developments will emerge, and an energy crisis strikes harder than one
    image a few decades ago.
    Socio-economic research is expected to provide new insights into the current situation
    and new perspectives on sustainable business developments to support economies in the
    difficult times they pass through.
    So, we invite you to discover interesting topics from various economic areas: banking,
    investments, tourism, public services, the impact of climatic changes in different regions, and

  • Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research – Volume 24 / issue 2 / 2022
    Vol 24 No 2 (2022)

    Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research – Volume 24 / issue 2 / 2022 provides a venue for high-quality research works of academics and researchers from worldwide, such as the United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Armenia, Indonesia, India, Japan, Jordan, Qatar, or the United Arab Emirates.

    The authors approached various interest subjects such as the resilience of indigenous entrepreneurs during the Covid-19 pandemic, the rise of the Social and Solidarity Economy as a new alternative development model, evolutions in the share market, employment performance, real exchange rate, Triple Helix concept, business performance and organizational challenges in different types of SMEs, Fintech and Islamic banks, Public-Private Partnerships in Japan, and engaging analysis of educational issues, as education expansion or education as a factor of influencing economic growth.    


  • Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research
    Vol 25 No 1 (2023)
    The focus on post-pandemic challenges brought diverse socio-economic research topics to the scientific community's attention, the collective wisdom being called to provide new insights, perspectives, and solutions to help businesses recover and increase social cohesion. Reading the current issue, you will discover exciting subjects such as life expectancy and life satisfaction, drivers of startups' success, business communication, and social media impact, B2C e-commerce adoption, and not only. The authors, experienced and junior researchers, come from different regions of the world: the European Union (Lituania, Czechia, Hungary, Germany, Bulgaria, Greece), the Middle East, and Asia and allow you to delve deeper into regional economic and social challenges.
  • Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research – Volume 26/ issue 2 / 2023
    Vol 26 No 2 (2023)

    Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research – Volume 26 / issue 2 / 2023 provides a venue for high-quality research works of academics and researchers worldwide, such as the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Turkey, Indonesia, India, Vietnam, Marocco, Nigeria and South Africa.
    In this issue, new challenging research questions arise in the Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research coverage areas - Economics and Business Research, Marketing & Innovation Management Dynamics, New economy models, Social Innovation, Global Challenges, and Interdisciplinary Research in Social Sciences. The authors approached various interest subjects such as the innovation in SMEs, including the innovation potential of Artificial Intelligence and organizational capabilities, issues related to firm performance, Central-East European Stock Markets, banking in India, Skilled Immigration and Economic Growth, the nexus between oil price and stock returns, new marketing dynamics concerning loyalty and consumption patterns, shopping attitudes and green products, and also the economic impact of tourism.

  • Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research
    Vol 27 No 1 (2024)

    The world economy is experiencing new challenges, such as making renewable energy efficient, coping with new political developments, and economic and political migration.

    The current global challenges generated a diversity of socio-economic research topics that the scientific community should be paying attention to. The researchers' contributions focus on new perspectives and solutions to support businesses and society in coping with difficult times and building strong social cohesion.

    REASER’s current Issue brings to your attention exciting topics such as European innovation patterns, the trade war – on steel and aluminium markets, tax reforms in different countries and the social effects, corporate governance and monetary policy, climate change and land damages impacting farmers

  • Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research – Volume 28/ issue 2 / 2024
    Vol 28 No 2 (2024)

    Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research – Volume 28 / issue 2 / 2024 provides a venue for high-quality research works of academics and researchers worldwide, such as Argentina, the Czech Republic, United Kingdom, Turkey, Indonesia, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Republic of Kazakhstan, Marocco, Nigeria and South Africa.
    In this issue, new challenging research questions arise in the Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research coverage areas - Economics and Business Research, Marketing & Innovation Management Dynamics, New economy models, Social Innovation, Global Challenges, and Interdisciplinary Research in Social Sciences. The authors approached various actual and interest subjects such as organizational culture in healthcare organizations and examining prescribing behaviour; carbon footprints and income inequality; AI in e-commerce brand recognition and the challenge simultaneous use of social networks; various dimensions of inequality, poverty and issues concerning the quality of life of women and women’s empowerment in some countries; the challenge of employing people with disabilities as a tool for labor market stabilization; or the imperative of redefining business norms by the social responsibility.