Current Issue

Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research – Volume 28 / issue 2 / 2024 provides a venue for high-quality research works of academics and researchers worldwide, such as Argentina, the Czech Republic, United Kingdom, Turkey, Indonesia, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Republic of Kazakhstan, Marocco, Nigeria and South Africa.
In this issue, new challenging research questions arise in the Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research coverage areas - Economics and Business Research, Marketing & Innovation Management Dynamics, New economy models, Social Innovation, Global Challenges, and Interdisciplinary Research in Social Sciences. The authors approached various actual and interest subjects such as organizational culture in healthcare organizations and examining prescribing behaviour; carbon footprints and income inequality; AI in e-commerce brand recognition and the challenge simultaneous use of social networks; various dimensions of inequality, poverty and issues concerning the quality of life of women and women’s empowerment in some countries; the challenge of employing people with disabilities as a tool for labor market stabilization; or the imperative of redefining business norms by the social responsibility.
Full Issue
ISSN : 2247-6172 ISSN-L: 2247-6172
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